Updates date/time format to the format that you set in Date & Time control panel. If checked, MBarClock tells you that you're typing for real nothing. If checked, MBarClock ignores command-Q shortcut for Quit. If checked, MBarClock asks you if you really want to quit MBarClock when you choose Quit from File menu (or type command-Q). If checked, MBarClock keeps screen round rectangle If checked, MBarClock doesn't show its displays if the MenuBar is hidden (like while screensaver is on). If checked, MBarClock automatically switches the current process to its launcher (usually Finder) at startup time. Opens Chimer Settings window. Opens Display Icon setup window. Opens Display Update Frequency (how often to draw displays) setup window. Opens General Display Settings (placement and contents of displays) window. Preferences Menu Use this menu to customize MBarClock.